Lock down antics

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Lock down antics

May 01, 2020; 1:38pm  CRANSLEY
Hi   to all readers,   I have been very  busy these lock down weeks doing jobs I don't always get to, apart from  the garden.  trying to trace a fault on the merc van .The dash keeps switching on and of on its own when the ignition is on?   removed every fuse one by one and found the the hazard fuse turned the dash pod off. Hazards did work ok with fuse in. took fuse block apart expecting a short in printed circuit board but found nothing to see. bought another block on e bay.   it did not help so presume dash pod at fault, left it for further thought.  I then turned to the Suzuki SV to assemble the carbs. fit run and balance job done.
  next job  re- rubber  clutch slave cylinder on the VF1000FII nice straight forward job bleed and felt good.
  Decided to run the engine [been 2years or more]  would only run with the aide of brake cleaner to fire it up, suspect pilot jets blocked.  not happy now about 5years ago I had off to clean them and I was 2 long days.   another story for another time.