Welcome and Forum Rules

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Welcome and Forum Rules

Welcome and Forum rules
Welcome to the Brimbo Forum.  We hope you find this useful for communicating with fellow members. Now for the serious but necessary stuff:
These rules are to clarify the responsibilities of all members who use Brimbo’s Forum. They shall be adhered to by everyone to ensure that the forum runs smoothly and provides an interesting and positive experience for all of our members.
General Rules
1. Please do not post anything that is detrimental to Brimbo or will or bring the club into disrepute. New members want to see that the site is friendly and welcoming.
2. Use the site for the purpose it was set up for, i.e. arranging meets, ride outs, sharing advice and having a good time.
3. Advice offered by members is used at your own discretion, Brimbo and authors cannot be held responsible for any inaccurate information given.
4. Please try and sort any disagreements away from the forum and do not use the forum to personally attack another member. If you feel you are being personally attacked by another member, please contact the Brimbo website administrators, who act as moderators. If agreements cannot be made between members and personal attacks continue the site admin will consider banning members.
5. Do not post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws. Doing so may lead to your forum access being removed. The Forum moderators have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should we see fit.
6. We strongly advise members, for personal security reasons, against including personal details such as email addresses and mobile phone numbers in any posts on the forum. Contact individuals directly to share personal information, rather than posting it publicly.
The website owners cannot accept liability for any accident or loss, on anything organised on this website. This site is a medium for communication, arranging rideouts, events and other occasions, and nothing more.
Thank You.
Brimbo Site Admin and Moderators.